[Pre-order] Smart Teenage Muslimah by Farhat Amin

The teenage years are a time to dream big and gain confidence as a Muslimah. So why are teenage girls encouraged to be self-absorbed, materialistic and promiscuous?

The myth is peddled that you will be happier if you're less religious. But are the ideas society expects you to embrace good for your mental health and well-being? Concepts such as self-objectification, rampant consumerism and secularism.

Smart Teenage Muslimah is a thought-provoking guide for Muslim girls. In the book, you will:

Discover guidance from our sacred texts to achieve peace of mind.

Understand the purpose of your life.

Learn what Islam has to say about puberty and sex.

Get the facts about LGBTQIA+, feminism and gender identity.

'It is a must buy for parents, Islamic schools, teachers and teenage girls.'

Hamza Tzortzis, Author: The Divine Reality: God, Islam & The Mirage of Atheism

45.00 BND
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